Living an Authentic Life

Today I want to talk about living an authentic life and defining your authentic self.

“Authentic” can simply be defined as being real or genuine, not fake. The term “Authenticity “is also used in psychology and philosophy and in these genres it is defined as” the degree to which one is true to one’s own personality, spirit or character, despite external pressures.

Living an authentic life can be difficult for a lot of people. Modern society’s expectations and the expectations of others can be constrictive and self-defeating, but the question that needs to be asked is how do you step out of the judgement cycle and start to access your authentic self?

It is not about the roles you play in everyday life, mother, wife, your job or your skills. Rather it is a combination of your skills, talents and wisdom, all of which are uniquely yours, as opposed to what you think you should be and do.

When you are not living a life that is in alignment and true to your core being, you can never become who you want to be, with the result that you feel drained all the time. When you are disconnected from your authentic self, the real you, nothing feels right.

The first step is up become aware and appreciate what feels right. When you worry less about the rest you will find the energy to pursue the things you truly value and will be on the path to accessing your authentic self and being true to yourself.

Some other tips include:

  1. What you do is not who you are.
  2. Take the time to learn about yourself and find out what you love.
  3. Don’t let the fear of failure get in the way.
  4. Be genuine and reliable in your intention and action.
  5. Have the courage to follow through without getting caught up in seeking approval from others.

Deep down only you know what’s right for you and what feels right for you. Follow your internal cues. Follow your heart. This is how you access your authentic self, your essence and your raison d’etre.

CG Jung sums it up perfectly:

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
